Malta Public Transport

ROUTE 323 XEWKIJA DIVERSION Date: Thursday 16th May 2024.


Date: Thursday 16th May 2024.
Time: 09:00hrs – 18:00hrs.
Road Closure: Triq tac-Canga.
Diversion: Route buses coming from VICTORIA going towards XEWKIJA will have to divert straight through TRIQ TAL-HAMRIJA then turn left onto TRIQ SANT ELIZABETTA and then turn right onto TRIQ L-IMGARR. Along TRIQ L-IMGARR turn right onto TRIQ L-INDIPENDENZA towards XEWKIJA SQUARE to continue as the normal route towards GHAJNSIELEM.
The same diversion applies for the return journeys.
Bus Stops being affected are:
4010/4734 Kraba
4011/4733 Dejqa
4012/4732 Kunsill
4013/4731 Tingi
4015 Battista
4683 Dome
4760/4759 Zammit

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