Malta Public Transport

ROUTE 312 GHARB DIVERSION Date: from Monday 11th December 2023


Date: from Monday 11th December 2023 till Sunday 24th December 2023
Weekdays: from 18:00hrs – 22:00hrs.
Saturdays/ Public Holyday’s: from 11:00hrs - 19:00hrs.
Sundays: from 11:00hrs - 22:00hrs.
Christmas Eve: from 10:00hrs - 14:00hrs.
Road Closure: Triq il Knisja (Christmas Market).
Diversion: Route buses coming from TRIQ IL-KNISJA will have to divert
by turning left onto TRIQ KARMNI GRIMA then right onto TRIQ TUMAS
CASSAR, then left onto TRIQ IL-VIZITAZZJONI, right onto TRIQ FELIC
GRECH and right again to TRIQ DUN ALWIG MIZZI to continue as the
normal route towards SAN LAWRENZ.
Bus Stops being affected:
1926 Brajtu
1925 Lamuta

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