Malta Public Transport

ROUTE 135 ZEJTUN DIVERSION Date: Wednesday 3rd April 2024.


Date: Wednesday 3rd April 2024.
Time: 07:30hrs – 11:30hrs.
Road Closure: Zejtun square.
Diversion: Route buses coming from GHAXAQ going towards ZEJTUN will have to divert from BIR ID-DEHEB straight onto TRIQ IL-PRESIDENT ANTON BUTTIGIEG and the then turn left to TRIQ DEGABRIELE then proceed straight to TRIQ DELIMARA ending up onto TRIQ SAN GIRGOR to continue along the normal route around the housing estate.
Please note that the Until Further Notice is still in place.
Bus Stops not being served are:
0389 Haddiema
0390 Farrugia
1662 Gwiedi
1663 Wistin

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