Route - Malta Public Transport

Below you will find the timetables from each bus stop for the route you have selected. For most routes, there are timetables in each direction below each other.

Bus stops are sorted by locality and you can expand each locality to view the approximate departure times on each bus stop.

Timetables may vary from weekdays to Saturdays and Sundays for some routes, so please select from the options available. Some routes have the same timetables from Mondays to Sundays.

The fast ferry service between Valletta and Mgarr, Gozo may not operate during inclement weather and as announced from time to time on the respective websites of the fast ferry operators. In such cases, the Route X300 will operate at different times. Click here to find more.

Cirkewwa - Mater Dei X300
Ic-Cirkewwa More    06:30 07:30
Cirkewwa 1 06:30 07:30
Il-Mellieha More    06:39 07:40
Skrajda 06:39 07:40
Ix-Xemxija More    06:52 07:54
Roti 06:52 07:54
San Pawl il-Bahar More    07:00 08:02
Kennedy 07:00 08:02
Pembroke More    07:18 08:22
Pembroke Park & Ride 1 07:18 08:22
L-Imsida More    07:26 08:31
Qroqq 4 07:26 08:31
Mater Dei More    07:30 08:35
Sptar 1 07:30 08:35
Ic-Cirkewwa More    06:30 07:00 07:30
Cirkewwa 1 06:30 07:00 07:30
Il-Mellieha More    06:39 07:10 07:40
Skrajda 06:39 07:10 07:40
Ix-Xemxija More    06:52 07:24 07:54
Roti 06:52 07:24 07:54
San Pawl il-Bahar More    07:00 07:32 08:02
Kennedy 07:00 07:32 08:02
Pembroke More    07:18 07:52 08:22
Pembroke Park & Ride 1 07:18 07:52 08:22
L-Imsida More    07:26 08:01 08:31
Qroqq 4 07:26 08:01 08:31
Mater Dei More    07:30 08:05 08:35
Sptar 1 07:30 08:05 08:35
Mater Dei - Cirkewwa X300
Mater Dei More    16:45 17:45
Sptar 2 16:45 17:45
L-Imsida More    16:48 17:48
Qroqq 3 16:48 17:48
Is-Swieqi More    16:57 17:57
Pembroke Park & Ride 2 16:57 17:57
San Pawl il-Bahar More    17:16 18:16
Kennedy 17:16 18:16
Ix-Xemxija More    17:25 18:25
Roti 17:25 18:25
Il-Mellieha More    17:40 18:40
Skrajda 17:40 18:40
Ic-Cirkewwa More    17:50 18:50
Cirkewwa Alight 17:50 18:50
Mater Dei More    14:45 16:45 17:45
Sptar 2 14:45 16:45 17:45
L-Imsida More    14:48 16:48 17:48
Qroqq 3 14:48 16:48 17:48
Is-Swieqi More    14:56 16:57 17:57
Pembroke Park & Ride 2 14:56 16:57 17:57
San Pawl il-Bahar More    15:14 17:16 18:16
Kennedy 15:14 17:16 18:16
Ix-Xemxija More    15:22 17:25 18:25
Roti 15:22 17:25 18:25
Il-Mellieha More    15:35 17:40 18:40
Skrajda 15:35 17:40 18:40
Ic-Cirkewwa More    15:45 17:50 18:50
Cirkewwa Alight 15:45 17:50 18:50