Malta Bus Journey Planner - Malta Public Transport

Journey Planner

Our Journey Planner tells you how to get to any destination from anywhere in Malta and Gozo by bus. It will also give you information on which bus stop is closest to you, the different routes you can take to arrive at your destination and the time at which buses pass from your closest bus stop. The Journey Planner is easy to use and is based on Google Maps.

First you need to enter the start and destination for your journey. You can use locality names, street names or bus stop names. The bus stop name together with the bus stop number are unique for every bus stop and can be found on the actual bus stop flag pole. The names will also show on Google Maps and on the Journey Planner for you to find the closest bus stop to you. Then you need to enter the time you plan to travel, or select “Travel Now”.

Once you click “Search”, the Journey Planner will provide you with a number of suggested routes depending on the time of travel that you selected. Each suggested route will include all the necessary information including route numbers, time of travel, interchange points and a physical map.

At this point you can choose between “Shortest Walk”, “Shortest Journey” or “Best Route”.

Once you choose your preferred option, you can select “Directions” and further details on the route you have chosen will be provided.



Click here for detailed directions